
Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade 2014, East Village, New York

On Saturday, Tompkins Square Park in New York's East Village hosted the 24th annual dog halloween costume parade. According to CNN, it's the largest dog costume parade in the world. It's also arguably the most adorable. Here are some of my favorites from the day. Pity Dog Halloween only comes once a year.  

Check out the iPhone case

Barkbox's Barkfest 2014

This Saturday I had the pleasure to hang out a few hundred furry friends while photographing the Barkbox Barkfest in Madison Square Park for SeeMe. The event featured celebrity dogs of Instagram, dog movies and lots and lots of treats. A huge thanks to SeeMe for the opportunity to capture this amazing night in the city. Here are a few of my favorite shots from the evening.  

This dog's name is Marnie. She has 55,000 followers in Instagram. Because, the Internet.

BarkBox's Dog "Beer."